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Facing issue to upload build on live server

I have upload my angular production build on live. And I'm missing some thing but I don't know what is that.

In build/index.html I have set this in base URL.

<base href="">  // Instead of I have set my EC2 instance's elastic ip address

I have set /var/www/html/myapp/admin. Hear in admin folder angular build is that.

And my node server is at /var/www/html/app.js


To allow all admin panel pages I have add this code in my app.js file.

app.use('/', express.static('./admin'))

app.get('*', (req, res) => {

Server image

Admin panel


  • When you use app.use('/', express.static('./admin')), the static files will be served in the root directory, for example,, but because of the base tag, it will try to find the resource at

    To fix it, change the path of the static files, like so:

    app.use('/admin', express.static('./admin'));

    Also, I don't recommend editing the base tag manually, you can set the base url in the build command, like so:

    ng build --prod --base-href=""