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Javascript getter

Given the following code are foo, bar and baz all effectively the same? What if any is the advantage of using the get keyword?

var getValue = function () {
  return 'value';

var foo = {
  value: getValue(),

var bar = {
  get value() {
    return getValue();

var baz = {
  get value() {
    return 'value';

console.log('foo.value', foo.value); // foo.value value
console.log('bar.value', bar.value); // bar.value value
console.log('baz.value', baz.value); // baz.value value


  • Given the following code are foo, bar and baz all effectively the same?

    No, not at all.

    • foo will have a value property that will be the result of calling getValue when foo was created, and will not call getValue later.

    • bar will have a value property that, when accessed like bar.value, calls getValue and returns its return value.

    • baz will have a value property with the explicit value 'value'.

    The differences are:

    • Whether getValue is called
    • When getValue is called

    This is more obvious with some logging and with a slightly updated version of getValue:

    var getValue = function () {
      var value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
      console.log("getValue called, returning " + value);
      return value;
    console.log("Creating foo");
    var foo = {
      value: getValue(),
    console.log("Creating bar");
    var bar = {
      get value() {
        return getValue();
    console.log("Creating baz");
    var baz = {
      get value() {
        return 42;
    console.log("Calling foo");
    console.log('foo.value', foo.value);
    console.log("Calling bar");
    console.log('bar.value', bar.value);
    console.log("Calling baz");
    console.log('baz.value', baz.value);
    .as-console-wrapper {
      max-height: 100% !important;;

    The advantage (and disadvantage) to a getter is you can execute logic (such as calling getValue) in response to what looks like a simple property lookup (bar.value, rather than bar.value() or bar.getValue()).