This is the code I have
@Typed class FooMap extends LinkedHashMap {
def doSomeFoo() {
// ...
FooMap plus(Collection coll) {
While it works in plain Groovy, compiling it with Groovy++ gives an error: Cannot reference default groovy method 'plus' using 'super'. Call the static method instead
. I don't if it's a bug in Groovy++, or it's meant to work this way. Anyway, I want to call super
in a typed way. How can I workaround this situation?
The reason why I want such a method is that I want this code to compile.
FooMap map = new FooMap() + [bar: 42]
I'm not sure exactly why groovy++ doesn't allow the super method to be called, but the static method it refers to is in org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods
assert[one: 1], [two: 2]) == [one: 1, two: 2]
You can get the behaviour you're looking for by calling that.