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How to get the token value from meta tag in a outlet page - Drupal 7?

I need to display the meta tag values from the meta tag tokens.

My Code:

function MyModule_html_head_alter(&$head_elements) {
    $head_elements['metatag_description']['#value'] = $outlet_description; 

Actual Output:

[node:node_sections] - [node:field_lead_text] Testing

Expecting Output:

   Food - Testing lead text Testing


  • You have to use token_replace function

    $menu = menu_get_item();
      if($menu['path'] == 'node/%') { // check if you are on node page
        $node = $menu['page arguments'][0];
        $head_elements['metatag_description']['#value'] = token_replace($outlet_description, array('node' => $node));