Context: We use SAS 9.4
and Enterprise Guide 7.15
. Currently, we are implementing some new Macros and of course have to change a lot along the way. Sometimes smaller, sometimes bigger changes. The problem is, that in order to get the changes to work, SAS
needs us to manually compile the Macro code or to restart the session which is a bit tedious.
This is the current setup in our main file (which calls all the Macros):
/* Macro options */
MAUTOSOURCE sasautos = "<path to macro>" mlogic mlogicnest mprint mprintnest MRECALL
Is it possible, while using the MAUTOSOURCE */ sasautos =""
option, to tell SAS
every time the Macro is called to actually also compile the Macro instead of using the session-stored Macro? Ideally, the Macro would only be compiled when the whole line of code from the main file (MAUTOSOURCE */ sasautos =""
etc.) is executed, otherwise it should keep a compiled version in the session.
I found this paper (The Autocall Macro Facility in the SAS for Windows Environment) which states in the conclusion
After that SAS will use the code that has already been compiled. If changes are made to the macro, it must be compiled again before the changes go into effect.
which I hope doesn't mean that I have to do it manually. Is there any Macro option to set?
In SAS 9.3 they added the %SYSMACDELETE
macro function. So if you just want to let autocall redefine a single macro then use that to remove the current definition.
%symacdelete mymacro;
Here is a utility macro that will query SASHELP.VCATALG view to find compiled macros in the WORK library and delete them. It has options to either list names of macros to delete or keep. Note that normal SAS sessions use WORK.SASMACR to store the compiled macros. But SAS/Studio and EG (and perhaps other ways of running SAS) use WORK.SASMAC1 instead.
%macro macdelete(delete,keep);
Remove compiled macros using %SYSMACDELETE macro statement.
Use DELETE parameter to list macro names to delete.
Use KEEP parameter to list macro names to NOT delete.
Calling it with no values will delete all macros not currently running.
%local libname memname objname objtype fid i;
%do i=1 %to %sysmexecdepth;
%let keep=%sysmexecname(&i) &keep;
%if %length(&delete) %then %let delete=and findw("&delete",objname,',','sit');
%let fid=%sysfunc(open( sashelp.vcatalg(keep=libname memname objname objtype
where=(libname='WORK' and objtype='MACRO' and memname like 'SASMAC_'
and not findw("&keep",objname,',','sit') &delete))));
%if (&fid) %then %do;
%syscall set(fid);
%do %while(0=%sysfunc(fetch(&fid)));
%put %sysfunc(compbl(Removing &objname from &libname catalog &memname));
%sysmacdelete &objname;
%let fid=%sysfunc(close(&fid));
%else %put %qsysfunc(sysmsg());
%mend macdelete;
3348 %macro test1; %mend;
3349 %macro test2; %mend;
3350 %macro test3; %mend;
3351 %macro test4; %mend;
3352 %macdelete(test1 test3);
Removing TEST1 from WORK catalog SASMACR
Removing TEST3 from WORK catalog SASMACR
3353 %macdelete(keep=test2);
Removing TEST4 from WORK catalog SASMACR
Example when running SAS/Studio or Enterprise Guide:
97 %macro test1; %mend;
98 %macro test2; %mend;
99 %macro test3; %mend;
100 %macro test4; %mend;
101 %macdelete(test1 test3);
Removing TEST1 from WORK catalog SASMAC1
Removing TEST3 from WORK catalog SASMAC1