I have been thinking about submitting an app for my company, and it would serve as a simple app to get contact information easily.
But the question is, how much info to I actually need in the app to get it through the gates of appstore?
Currently the app is including: - Different companies within our organization - Small infotext about each - Email button - Phone button - Contact persons, which leads to another view where I have contact persons with pictures, names, and direct phone/email buttons
Is this enough or do I need to include more features?
You can even add a app with single feature which is useful for the apple users, The only thing is make sure your app doesn't violet any of the app review guidelines and while preparing your app for submission on App store, in meta data information specifically mention that your app is for your orgnization's personal use
You will find apple app review guideline at following URL: https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/