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How can I call a function?

I have a function in a class in App/src/utils. I have issue using it from a controller.

I have to construct some sheets with phpspreadsheet. The method length is 260 lines. I don't think it's a good practice to have it in a function of the controller. So, I try to put it in a class (ExcelCreate) I have created in App/Utils, in a public function called excelfrais, which create the sheet, using an array, called $data, and 2 variables called $user and $nblig. The function save the sheet, and send it to the browser. I put a "use App\Utils\ExcelCreate;" in my controller I call the function from the controller.

    use App\Utils\ExcelCreate;
class ComiteController extends Controller
    public function frais(Request $request, $nblig)
        { ...
                excelfrais($user,$data,$nblig); ...

And there is my issue : I have an Exception : Attempted to call function "excelfrais" from namespace "App\Controller"


  • I had a big search. Reading carefully the Symfony documentation I found there : the solution : in the function of my controller, I need to have a use of the class whose the function is a property :

    public function frais(Request $request, ExcelCreate $create, $nblig)

    and the call to this function should be
