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How to vectorize calculation of homogenous transformation matrix/tensor?

For my simulation I need to calculate many transformation matrices therefore I would like to vectorize a for-loop that I'm using right now.

Is there a way to vectorize the existing for-loop or do I probably need another approach in calculating the vectors and matrices before?

I prepared a little working example:

n_dim = 1e5;
p1_3 = zeros(3,n_dim);                          % translationvector (no trans.) [3x100000]
tx = ones(1,n_dim)*15./180*pi;                  % turn angle around x-axis (fixed) [1x100000]
ty = zeros(1,n_dim);                            % turn angle around y-axis (no turn) [1x100000]
tz = randi([-180 180], 1, n_dim)./180*pi;       % turn angle around z-axis (different turn) [1x100000]
hom = [0 0 0 1].*ones(n_dim,4);                 % vector needed for homogenous transformation [100000x4]

% calculate sin/cosin values for rotation [100000x1 each]
cx = cos(tx)';
sx = sin(tx)';

cy = cos(ty)';
sy = sin(ty)';

cz = cos(tz)';
sz = sin(tz)';

% calculate rotation matrix [300000x3]
R_full = [        cy.*cz,         -cy.*sz,     sy; ...
          cx.*sz+sx.*sy.*cz, cx.*cz-sx.*sy.*sz, -sx.*cy; ...
          sx.*sz-cx.*sy.*cz, cz.*sx+cx.*sy.*sz,  cx.*cy];

% prealocate transformation tensor
T = zeros(4,4,n_dim);

% create transformation tensor here
% T = [R11 R12 R13 p1;
%      R21 R22 R23 p2;
%      R31 R32 R33 p3;
%       0   0   0   1]
for i = 1:n_dim           
  T(:,:,i) = [[R_full(i,1), R_full(i,2), R_full(i,3); ...
               R_full(n_dim+i,1), R_full(n_dim+i,2), R_full(n_dim+i,3); ...
               R_full(2*n_dim+i,1), R_full(2*n_dim+i,2), R_full(2*n_dim+i,3)], p1_3(:,i);


  • Try this:

    T = permute(reshape(R_full,n_dim,3,3),[2,3,1]);
    T(4,4,:) = 1;

    Your method:

    Elapsed time is 0.839315 seconds.

    This method:

    Elapsed time is 0.015389 seconds.