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Libgdx Scrollpane doesnt scroll enough after widgets in the table (that owns a scroll pane) was moved

I have a question. Libgdx Scrollpane doesnt scroll enough after widgets in the table (that owns a scroll pane) was moved.

Here is the sample from my code.

Table scrollPaneTable = new Table();
Scrollpane itemsScrollPane = new ScrollPane(scrollPaneTable);
//adding items in the scrollPaneTable
// everything is work perfect at this moment.
for (final Actor actor : scrollPaneTable.getChildren()) {
actor.moveBy(MAIN_QUEST_ITEM_WIDTH * chapterData.quests.size * direction, 0);
//after I move actor in the table, scrollpane scrolls like before, I can't reach the last items.

Thanks for your help.


  • If anyone having this problem, I want to say, that I already resolved it a long time ago :D I understood how the scrollpane code works, then understood that I need to change maxX value, but it was private. So, I copied the full code of Scrollpane class to my project, created

    Then I added this to methods, in order to change maxX and maxY from outside of class.

        public void maxXBy(float x){
            this.maxX += x;
        public void maxYBy(float y){
            this.maxY += y;

    Then, in my main code, I played with those values and got the expected result.
