I have written a piece of code for scanning QR code. But after scanning it is showing the data in plain text even if it is a link or URL to some website. I want it to redirects the user to the particular website after scanning directly in the browser.
public void handleResult(Result rawResult) {
// Do something with the result here
// Log.v("tag", rawResult.getText()); // Prints scan results
// Log.v("tag", rawResult.getBarcodeFormat().toString());
// Prints the scan format (qrcode, pdf417 etc.)
// If you would like to resume scanning, call this method below:
Put this attribute to your TextView
Other option is to create an Intent
for that when user click on your TextView
Uri uri = Uri.parse(rawResult.getText());
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
Better way also can be create a Linkify
Linkify.addLinks(tvresult, Linkify.WEB_URLS);
You can choose what you want.