I want to edit the task_status select but I get an invalid foreach() argument error. The format follows similarly to other forms from the Laravel Collective.
{{Form::select('task_status', $task->task_status, [ 'On Hold'=> 'On Hold', 'Completed'=> 'Completed'], ['class' => 'form-control'])}}
invalid foreach() argument error.
This will occur only when you dont pass the values for populating the dropdown
So You need to know the arguments
function select(
$list = [],
$selected = null,
array $selectAttributes = [],
array $optionsAttributes = [],
array $optgroupsAttributes = []
First Argument => 'name of the select tag' in Your case its
Second Argument => 'Dropdown Values List ' in Your case its
[ 'On Hold'=> 'On Hold', 'Completed'=> 'Completed']
Third Argument => 'the selected option(s) ' in Your case its
(Used while editing)Fourth Argument => 'optional Attributes ' in Your case its
['class' => 'form-control']
So the final function may look like
{!!Form::select('task_status',[ 'On Hold'=> 'On Hold', 'Completed'=> 'Completed'],$task->task_status,['class' => 'form-control'])!!}
If You are using
to populate the values while editing you don't need to add
to the select tag it will be automatically loaded