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Vert.x fake/embedded mongo

I have a service in which I need to implement functional tests(Cucumber) which makes some rest call.

Now earlier in my previous spring projects I had used fongo but I guess its not working with Vert.x

Now for my cucumber tests, how do I implement the fake mongo/embedded mongo or is their a another library all together. I also tried vertx-embedded-mongo-db but there it lacks good documentation.


  • I had a similar requirement and I achieved it by using vertx-embedded-mongodb

    What I did is started vertx-embedded-mongodb vertical and then I started my verticle which listens to mongo port 27018.

    DeploymentOptions embeddedMongoOptions = new DeploymentOptions()
      .setConfig(new JsonObject().put("port", 27018).put("version", "3.4.3"));
    vertx.rxDeployVerticle(EmbeddedMongoVerticle.class.getName(), embeddedMongoOptions)
    .map(id -> {
        return new DeploymentOptions()
    .flatMap(options -> vertx.rxDeployVerticle(MyApp.class.getName(), options))

    Just make sure that your applications mongo is configured to listen 27018 instead of 27017 for test env.

    Also above solution is only for Vert.x 3.x.x. vertx-embedded-mongodb is no longer supported for 4.x.x.