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Android Dynamic String: %1d vs %1$d

Is there a difference between a format string with the $ included?

%1d vs %1$d

I noticed that in the app code we have both and both seems to work ok.

or by the way using %1d to %2d vs %1$d to %2$d


  • %d - just display number

    int first = 10;
    System.out.printf("%d", first);
    // output:
    // 10

    %1d - display number with information how much space should be "reserved" (at least one)

    int first = 10;
    System.out.printf("->%1d<-", first);
    // output:
    // ->10<-

    %9d - reserve "9" chars (if number will be shorter - put spaces there) and align to right

    int first = 10;
    System.out.printf("->%9d<-", first);
    // output:
    // ->       10<-
    //   123456789

    %-9d - same as above but align to LEFT (this minus is important)

    int first = 10;
    System.out.printf("->%-9d<-", first);
    // output:
    // ->10       <-
    //   123456789

    %1$d - use (in format) position of the element from varargs (so you can REUSE elements instead of passing them two times)

    int first = 10;
    int second = 20;
    System.out.printf("%1$d %2$d %1$d", first, second);
    // output:
    // 10 20 10

    %1$9d - mix two of them. Get first parameter (1$) and reserve nine chars (%9d)

    int first = 10;
    System.out.printf("->%1$9d<-", first);
    // output:
    // ->       10<-
    //   123456789