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why the result of jmap -histo is different from jmap -dump

recently i met a gc problem ,i used jmap to dump out the heap. But unfortunately it did not work properly;

i run jmap -histo 3916|more before dump ,the result is

 num     #instances         #bytes  class name
   1:       1784198      733117168  [C
   2:      12210014      390720448  java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node
   3:      11908601      285806424  java.lang.Long
   4:      11884602      285230448  java.lang.Double
   5:           545       86335608  [Ljava.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node;
   6:         12405       65677584  [I
   7:       1735496       41651904  java.lang.String

then i ran "jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap.bin 3916", and then i used eclipse MemoryAnalyzer to analyze heap.bin,which produced a histogram as below

Class Name                                   |    Objects | Shallow Heap | Retained Heap
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node  | 12,207,879 |  390,652,128 |              
java.lang.Long                               | 11,889,204 |  285,340,896 |              
java.lang.Double                             | 11,884,164 |  285,219,936 |              
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node[]|        347 |   86,311,832 |              
char[]                                       |  1,659,912 |   50,128,128 |              
java.lang.String                             |  1,659,062 |   39,817,488 |              

Analyzed the two result, i found that the objects in dump are all less than histo,and the Objects of char[] is much less, but why? does jmap trigger a minor gc when run "jmap -dump" command?


  • jmap does not trigger GC unless you specify :live option. Without this option the histogram includes unreachable objects.

    However, Memory Analyzer by default removes unreachable objects while parsing a heap dump. Though it is possible to count unreachable objects with Memory Analyzer, too.