I have an Angular 7 application which uses the ngrx-store with entities. There is a problem in that the elements of my store state are undefined in my effect.
Here is a snippet of the effect:
loadAccountSummaries$ = this.action$.pipe(
filter(([ action, storeState ]: [ Action, State ]) => {
// storeState.accountSummaries is undefined
return !(storeState.accountSummaries.loaded || storeState.accountSummaries.loading)
switchMap(() => {
this.store.dispatch(new LoadingAccountSummaries());
return this.accountSummaryService.loadAccountSummaries()
.pipe(map(accountSummaries => {
this.store.dispatch(new LoadingAccountSummaries());
return new fromAccountSummary.LoadAccountSummariesSuccess(accountSummaries);
My reduer includes the folllowing:
export interface AccountSummariesState extends EntityState<AccountSummary> {
loading: boolean;
loaded: boolean;
The initial state is like this:
export const initialAccountSummariesState: AccountSummariesState = adapter.getInitialState({
loading: false,
loaded: false
The reducer is initialised like this:
export function reducer(
state = initialAccountSummariesState,
action: fromAccountSummary.AccountSummaryActionsUnion
) {
// ...
The state and reducers are registered like this:
export interface State {
accountSummaries: fromAccountSummary.AccountSummariesState;
contributionDetails: fromContributionDetail.ContributionDetailState;
export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<State> = {
accountSummaries: fromAccountSummary.reducer,
contributionDetails: fromContributionDetail.reducer
imports: [
// ...
StoreModule.forFeature('accountSummary', reducers.accountSummaries),
StoreModule.forFeature('contributionDetail', reducers.contributionDetails),
EffectsModule.forFeature([ AccountSummaryEffects, ContributionDetailEffects ])
// ...
Why is my storeState.accountSummaries
undefined in my effect? I have registered and initialised everything correctly as far as I can tell.
In ngrx module you're creating accountSummary
feature but you call accountSummaries
key. Try to change call into storeState.accountSummary