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Class 'App\GraphQL\Query\GraphQL' not found Error although included in config/app - service provider and aliases

Unable to process queries in graphql as included classes is reported as not found

I am using Laravel version 5.8.8 with graphql plugin provided by

'GraphQL' => Rebing\GraphQL\Support\Facades\GraphQL::class



  • You are including the Facade in your config.php, but you're not yet referring to the facade when you try to access it within one of the files in app/GraphQL/Query.

    After defining your namespace in the file you want to use the Facade from, you will have to add a use statement for your facade:

    namespace App\GraphQL\Query;
    use GraphQL;
    // ...

    If you don't, PHP tries to auto-resolve the namespace of the class call to whatever namespace you are in currently (hence the error about not being able to find App\GraphQL\Query\GraphQL).