For my edification, I'd like to find out how to escape quotes within the system
command in the following perl oneliner:
$ ls -p | grep -v / | perl -lane 'system("echo \"$_\"");'
without using the \"
escape sequence, in the manner shown here:
(Obviously this command does nothing useful; it just prints filenames that have spaces in them. But it serves to explain my problem succintly.)
I tried the following (pardon the images, but I have found highlighting easiest to decipher the quoting):
Code: $ ls -p | grep -v / | perl -lane 'system("echo ''"''$_''"''");'
Code: $ ls -p | grep -v / | perl -lane 'system('"'"'echo "$_"'"'"');'
Neither of these work. Is there a way to accomplish this in the manner of the linked answer?
EDIT: I need double-quotes around the $_
in the echo command because the string in $_
contains parentheses, not because it contains spaces, as I originally thought.
I'd like to find out how to escape quotes within the system command in the following perl oneliner:
$ ls -p | grep -v / | perl -lane 'system("echo \"$_\"");'
without using the \" escape sequence, in the manner shown here: [...]
Those examples are for escaping single quotes, your example uses double quotes \"$_\"
. In Bash everything within single quote are taken literally (except the single quote itself), the same is not true for that within double quotes. For example a $
within double quotes are not a literal $
but indicates that a variable expansion is to follow.
Now, in your command there are three levels of quote interpretation.
First the outer shell (the command line):
perl -lane 'system("echo \"$_\"");'
Then the perl interpreter:
system("echo \"$_\");
Then a second shell (here, Bash is used):
echo "xxx"
where xxx
is the expansion of $_
in the perl
Your command does not contain any internal single quotes, so there is no need to use the Bash quoting constructs for escaping single quotes, like
It's fine -> 'It'"'"'s fine'
It's fine -> 'It'\''s fine'
Further, you need to escape the double quote in the perl script
system("echo \"$_\"")
since they are inside double quotes, alternatively you could remove them
since echo
does not need double quotes here:
system("echo $_")
would work fine, or you could do as proposed in the comments:
system(qq/echo "$_"/)
or use the LIST form of system
with more than one argument
system("/bin/echo", $_)
However, if you wanted to use single quotes, for example:
system('echo ' . $_)
you would need to invoke the shell's single quote escapes:
'system('"'"'echo ''"' . $_)'
or (using double quotes):
"system('echo ' . "'$'"_)"