I have the following pre_save signal in my models:
@receiver(pre_save, sender=Purchase)
def user_created_purchase_cgst(sender,instance,*args,**kwargs):
c = Journal.objects.filter(user=instance.user, company=instance.company).count() + 1
if instance.cgst_alltotal != None and instance.cgst_alltotal != 0:
'counter' : c,
'date': instance.date,
'voucher_id' : instance.id,
'voucher_type' : "Journal",
'debit': instance.cgst_alltotal,
'credit': instance.cgst_alltotal}
I want to create another signal similar to the above that when the sender is deleted then the sender instance will also get deleted.
i.e when a Purchase
object is deleted then the corresponding Journal
object which is created by the pre_save signal will get deleted.
Any idea anyone how to perform this?
Thank you
It will be something like this:
@receiver(pre_delete, sender=Purchase)
def delete_related_journal(sender, instance, **kwargs):
journal = instance.journal # instance is your Purchase instance that is
# about to be deleted
But be aware, if the Journal purchase Foreign Key is setted to on_delete=models.CASCADE
, you don't have to do this at all. So, if CASCADE is not setted, you might want to do it instead using a signal.
class JournalModel(models.Model):
# Your other fields here
purchase = models.ForeignKey(Purchase, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
More on pre_delete
signals: docs