I am trying to set up a Puppet module to install PHP 7.3 on Amazon Linux 2. It is available as a amazon-linux-extras package.
I could simply install it using CLI:
amazon-linux-extras install php7.3
But I would like to define it as a package and ensure it is installed, like this:
package { "php7.3":
ensure => installed,
provider => 'amazon-linux-extras'
Unfortunately I cannot set package provider
to amazon-linux-extras
as such provider doesn't exist.
What would be the correct way to install this package?
At this time, it appears that Puppet does not support the amazon-linux-extras utility.
Arguably, a new type/provider should be created to support amazon-linux-extras. It could live in Puppet Core, if you raised a feature request that is accepted. Or, you could write your own and release it as a module on the Puppet Forge, if you know how write custom types and providers.
In the mean time, it is easy to write a defined type to solve this problem using exec.
define al::amazon_linux_extras(
Enum['present'] $ensure = present,
) {
$pkg = $name
exec { "amazon-linux-extras install -y $pkg":
unless => "amazon-linux-extras list | grep -q '${pkg}=.*enabled'",
path => '/usr/bin',
al::amazon_linux_extras { 'php7.3':
ensure => present,
Further explanation:
. But it could be a profile etc. E.g. profile::amazon_linux_extras
is another possibility.ensure => present
for readability only, i.e. it doesn't actually do anything, and also in case you decide to later implement ensure => absent
or ensure => latest