I'm trying to follow a Regression tutorial for python as the stats model package does not seem to be working for me. So I got this far until I received an attribute error.
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("China_FDIGDP.csv")
data1 = data.dropna()
data1.to_csv("data1.csv", index = False)
Data = pd.read_csv("data1.csv")
x = pd.Data["GDP"].values()
y = pd.Data["FDI_net_in"].values()
Here's the output:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "FDI.py", line 20, in <module> x = pd.Data["GDP"].values() AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'Data'
What am I doing wrong?
Date FDI_net_in GDP
0 1982 4.300000e+08 2.050897e+11
1 1983 6.360000e+08 2.306867e+11
2 1984 1.258000e+09 2.599465e+11
3 1985 1.659000e+09 3.094880e+11
4 1986 1.875000e+09 3.007581e+11
Index(['Date', 'FDI_net_in', 'GDP '], dtype='object')
Try this
Data.columns = Data.columns.str.strip(' ') # remove tab spaces in column names
x = Data["GDP"].values
y = Data["FDI_net_in"].values