I am using react-router-dom for routing in my reactJs application. I have a Route, Account, that has nested routes in it. In the Account component I want to display different components based on the current route (param.id). Right now the initial component is rendering, but when I click on a link my Account component still renders that initial component regardless of that change in url. How can I get my Account component to update on the change of url. Or should I be doing something in the AccountSwitch component to recognize the change of url and update it's current value for props.match.params.id ?
// app.js
<Route path="/account" component={Account} />
// account.js
class Account extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Link to="/account">Messages</Link>
<Link to="/account/orders">Orders</Link>
<Route exact path="/account" component={Messages} />
<Route path="/account/:id" component={AccountSwitch} />
// accountSwitch.js
const AccountSwitch = props => {
switch(props.match.params.id) {
case '':
return (
<AccountMessages />
case 'orders':
return (
<AccountOrders />
return <span>select a page<span/>
In https://github.com/Rynebenson/og-website/blob/master/src/_components/wrappers/Account/index.js where you are using the route switch please try to use exact match for "/account" and see if that works.
<Route exact path={`/account`} component={AccountMessages} />
<Route path={`/account/:id`} component={AccountSwitch} />
All while exporting try this:
export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Account))