I have an Angular service with this Put request method:
put(peopleFieldID: number, peopleFieldName: string): Observable<number> {
let params = new HttpParams();
params = params.append("peopleFieldID", peopleFieldID.toString());
params = params.append("peopleFieldName", peopleFieldName);
return this.http
.put<number>(this.url, { params: params })
The above hits this endpoint on my .net core API:
[Authorize(Roles = "Client")]
public IActionResult C_Update(int peopleFieldID, string peopleFieldName )
//Make call to the proper repo method.
return Json(_peopleFieldRepo.C_Update(peopleFieldID, peopleFieldName));
The two params, peopleFieldID and peopleFieldName, are always 0 and null. I have pinpointed that the Angular frontend sends the params correctly, but the backend cannot recognize them. I have many other endpoints where this works just fine.
You need to set query params using HttpParams
and pass null
for payload if you do not have any:
const params = new HttpParams()
.set('peopleFieldID', peopleFieldID.toString())
.set('peopleFieldName', peopleFieldName);
// if you have a payload to pass you can do that in place of null below
return this.http
.put<number>(this.url, null, { params: params })