I have two arrays:
I want to use Obs to define the bins. For example, Where Obs is 1 to 2, bin abs_error into bin#1. Then where Obs is 2 to 3, bin abs_error into bin#2. etc.
Once I have my binned abs_error (which was binned by Obs) I want to calculate the mean of each bin and then plot the mean of each bin on the y-axis vs the bins on the x-axis.
How do I go about binning the abs_error by bins defined by the Obs? And how do I calculate the mean of each bin once this is done?
Right now I have:
abs_error=np.array([2.214033842086792 2.65031099319458 2.021354913711548 ... 2.831442356109619 1.9227538108825684 0.19358205795288086])
obs=np.array([3.3399999141693115 1.440000057220459 1.2799999713897705 ... 5.78000020980835 6.050000190734863 7.75])
idx = np.digitize(obs, bin_boundaries)
mn_ = np.bincount(idx,abs_error) / np.bincount(idx)
print mn
[83.09254473 3.18577858 2.82887524 2.78532805 2.43264693 1.96835116 1.77645996 1.66138196 1.5972414 1.57512014 1.53094066 1.7965252 1.98050336 2.29916244 3.06640482 4.66769505 3.16787195]
I can't print the whole arrays because they are very big.
If your bins are all the same size you can use floor division to obtain bin indices from Obs
, in your example.
idx = (Obs // 1).astype(int)
If not use np.digitize
idx = np.digitize(Obs, bin_boundaries)
Once you have indices use them with np.bincount
to obtain the means.
mn = np.bincount(idx, abs_error) / np.bincount(idx)