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How to batch or cli automate sigcheck.exe on running processes?

I'm trying to generate a list of running processes (full executable path), and then loop through that listing and perform a SysInternals "sigcheck.exe" against each of the files.

For some reason this isn't performing as expected and I'm unsure if it's due to my processing of the input file, or the format of output that wmic creates. Ideally, I'd like to get this working as a batch script first and then attempt to convert it to a cli one-liner.

Below is the code I'm currently trying:

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off
wmic process get executablepath /format:csv | more > c:\windows\temp\pslist.txt
for /f "skip=5 tokens=1,2 delims=," %%a in (c:\windows\temp\pslist.txt) do (
 echo %%b
 sigcheck.exe -accepteula -r -e "%%b"


  • This uses "wmic.exe process" to build a list and passes just the "executablepath" to "sigcheck.exe". The "threadcount" is there as a trick - since WMIC has it's infamous extra-CR, asking for 1 extra and unneeded attribute creates markers in the output.....the commas. The "for" command chops the WMIC output at the commas, which is how just the "executablepath" can be pulled out without any extra CRs.


    for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %A in ('wmic process where "not executablepath=null" get executablepath^,threadcount /format:csv') do @sigcheck.exe -accepteula -r -e "%A"

    OUTPUT (partial for brevity sake):

    Sigcheck v2.72 - File version and signature viewer
    Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Mark Russinovich
    Sysinternals -
    c:\program files (x86)\google\chrome\application\chrome.exe:
            Verified:       Signed
            Signing date:   7:47 PM 2/28/2019
            Publisher:      Google LLC
            Company:        Google Inc.
            Description:    Google Chrome
            Product:        Google Chrome
            Prod version:   72.0.3626.121
            File version:   72.0.3626.121
            MachineType:    64-bit
    Sigcheck v2.72 - File version and signature viewer
    Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Mark Russinovich
    Sysinternals -
            Verified:       Signed
            Signing date:   5:26 PM 4/11/2018
            Publisher:      Microsoft Windows
            Company:        Microsoft Corporation
            Description:    Windows PowerShell
            Product:        Microsoft« Windows« Operating System
            Prod version:   10.0.17134.1
            File version:   10.0.17134.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
            MachineType:    64-bit
    Sigcheck v2.72 - File version and signature viewer
    Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Mark Russinovich
    Sysinternals -