I'm trying to run Javascript through a JSR-223 ScriptEngine
under a Java VM to call user-provided code and pass it a "promise-style" callback: i.e. a function that accepts either no arguments (successful completion with no value); a single argument (null
for successful completion with no value or an error object); or two arguments (null
for successful completion, a value).
I'm using GaalVM for this and I'm putting my callback into the Javascript binding object. Something like this:
var engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("graal.js");
var binding = engine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
binding.put("exports", engine.eval("new Object()"));
engine.eval(userCode, binding);
binding.put("data", data);
binding.put("callback", callback);
engine.eval("exports.handler(data, callback)", binding);
The problem is that I can't figure out what to put as the "callback"
I've tried the simple:
BiFunction<Object, Object, Object> callback = (err, value) -> { /* ... */ };
in which case calling the callback with two arguments works fine, but with a single argument (or no arguments) I get the error:
org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: TypeError: EXECUTE on
(my.package.JavascriptRun$$Lambda$771/0x0000000840844040)] failed due to:
Arity error - expected: 2 actual: 1
I've tried getting an Object
array like so:
Function<Object[], Object> callback = (args) -> { /* ... */ };
Which caused GraalVM to throw this at me:
org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: TypeError: EXECUTE on
(my.package.JavascriptRun$$Lambda$771/0x0000000840844040)] failed due to:
java.lang.ClassCastException: class com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.PolyglotMap
cannot be cast to class [Ljava.lang.Object;
(com.oracle.truffle.polyglot.PolyglotMap is in unnamed module of loader 'app';
[Ljava.lang.Object; is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
I'm currently looking at doing manual multi-dispatch in Javascript - basically defining multiple callback host functions, and then in Javascript check the number of arguments and dispatch accordingly:
engine.eval("exports.handler(data, function() { "+
"switch(arguments.length) { "+
"case 0: return callback0(); "+
"case 1: return callback1(arguments[0]); "+
"default: return callback2(arguments[0],arguments[1]); "+
"} })");
But that seems like such a bad idea to me.
MyCallback callback = (arguments) -> { /*...*/ };
public static interface MyCallback {
Object call(Object... arguments);
will work for you, I guess.