I have a function to create a file on remote server and I want to fill that file with an Entry (input field). My question is, when i use this code;
def createFileRemote():
textToWrite = io.StringIO(create_file_remote_input_text.get())
ftp.storbinary('STOR '+create_file_remote_filename.get(),textToWrite)
I got an error says,
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
I tried something like this;
textToWrite = io.BytesIO(b""+create_file_remote_input_text.get())
but it does not concatenate str with bytes. Any suggestion ? I want to give textToWrite from an input field. It's working when i give it from code like this;
io.BytesIO(b"Some text")
Maybe this solves it
def createFileRemote():
to_bytes = bytes(create_file_remote_input_text.get(), "UTF-8")
textToWrite = io.BytesIO(to_bytes)
ftp.storbinary('STOR '+create_file_remote_filename.get(),textToWrite)