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Get only numbers in version from dll file

I'm trying to get the vertion of a .dll file, but only the number of the version.

I find the code

wmic datafile where name='C:\\...\\MY_FILE.dll' get version

This code returns:


I need the return to be only '' and this could be saved in a variable for i'll can call in a echo after.

set var="HOW DO I DO?"
echo %var%

How can I get this?

I can use the code below too, but in this format I think its harder

wmic datafile where name='C:\\...\\MY_FILE.dll' get version /format:list

This code returns:



  • And similarly to those posted, with minor differences.

    A :

    @For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('WMIC DataFile Where "Name='C:\\...\\MY_FILE.dll'" Get Version /Value 2^>Nul')Do @For /F "Tokens=*" %%B In ("%%A")Do @Set "%%B"

    A version:

    For /F "Delims=" %A In ('WMIC DataFile Where "Name='C:\\...\\MY_FILE.dll'" Get Version /Value 2^>Nul')Do @For /F "Tokens=*" %B In ("%A")Do @Set "%B"

    Where the variable %Version% should be set to the local environment.