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How can I pass a variable initialized in main to a Rocket route handler?

I have a variable that gets initialized in main (line 9) and I want to access a reference to this variable inside of one of my route handlers.

fn index() -> String {
    return fetch_data::fetch(format!("posts"), &redis_conn).unwrap(); // How can I get redis_conn?

fn main() {
    let redis_conn = fetch_data::get_redis_connection(); // initialized here

    rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![index]).launch();

In other languages, this problem would be solvable by using global variables.


  • Please read the Rocket documentation, specifically the section on state.

    Use State and Rocket::manage to have shared state:

    #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)]
    extern crate rocket; // 0.4.2
    use rocket::State;
    struct RedisThing(i32);
    fn index(redis: State<RedisThing>) -> String {
    fn main() {
        let redis = RedisThing(42);
            .mount("/", routes![index])

    If you want to mutate the value inside the State, you will need to wrap it in a Mutex or other type of thread-safe interior mutability.

    See also:

    this problem would be solvable by using global variables.

    See also: