I am reading old files that still use HFS style paths, such as VolumeName:Folder:File
I need to convert them into POSIX paths.
I do not like to do string replacement as it is a bit tricky, nor do I want to invoke AppleScript or Shell operations for this task.
Is there a framework function to accomplish this? Deprecation is not an issue.
BTW, here's a solution for the inverse operation.
A solution in Obj-C and Swift as category / extension of NSString / String
. The unavailable kCFURLHFSPathStyle
style is circumvented in the same way as in the linked question.
@implementation NSString (POSIX_HFS)
- (NSString *)POSIXPathFromHFSPath
NSString *posixPath = nil;
CFURLRef fileURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef)self, 1, [self hasSuffix:@":"]); // kCFURLHFSPathStyle
if (fileURL) {
posixPath = [(__bridge NSURL*)fileURL path];
return posixPath;
extension String {
func posixPathFromHFSPath() -> String?
guard let fileURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault,
self as CFString?,
self.hasSuffix(":")) else { return nil }
return (fileURL as URL).path