I have not found any related questions or examples of Python code using f-strings to generate Python code. Is there an underlying problem that I should know about? f-strings are really convenient and seem to be rather efficient for my needs.
I am generating some python scripts that can be used in the command line for automatically processing folders with remote sensing images. I was going to manually write some files by hand but realized is was relatively easy to automate the process by externalizing metadata regarding the expressions.
Program logic:
I will also generate some tests automatically once settled on the method to be used. Is there a limit from which f-strings will not handle the code efficiently?
Some people have discussed using Python templates like Jinja2. However, if f-strings are sufficient I do not wish to integrate another external dependency.
from expressions_meta import expressions
for key in expressions.keys():
file_name = '_'.join([key, 'dir', 'cl.py'])
with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
import sys
import getopt
from gdal_dir_calc import GDALDirCalc
expression = {expressions[key]}
band_meta = {{}}
I might just be overly cautious but I think the topic could address other applications as well.
Any other tips regarding the use of f-strings for Python code generation or another tool?
Most likely you are trying to implement a solution in which you violate DRY principles.
Instead of generating many specific commands, look into to passing a name argument which in turn can be used with a selection of arguments.
From the standard library, some tools that may be helpful are configparser
, shlex
, cmd
, getopt
and argparse
. See the standard library documentation on these tools.
Click is an interesting third party package.
Thanks @SergeBallesta for your helpful comments.