I was trying to perform a simple un-pivoting of some data before it is loaded into Microsoft PowerBI. Since the PowerBI report has to use DirectQuery, using 'Unpivot' in the query editor is not an option. So it seemed that this could probably be done in the intial SQL that gets loaded.
sum(case when cw.State = 'WORK' then 1 else null end) [Work]
,sum(case when cw.State = 'OUT' then 1 else null end) [Out]
,sum(case when cw.State = 'POST' then 1 else null end) [Post]
from CurrentWork cw
This code outputs:
Work Out Post
---- --- ----
5 3 21
But I would like the output to be displayed like:
Event Amount
----- ------
Work 5
Out 3
Post 21
I believe I need to use the UNPIVOT TSQL command, but cant figure out the correct way to use it.
Is this even possible, or am I approaching this problem from the wrong direction?
You don't need to do UNPIVOT
, you want aggregation :
select status, count(*)
from CurrentWork
group by status;
If above data are aggregated then you can use either subuqery
or cte
with apply
with t as (
select sum(case when cw.State = 'WORK' then 1 else null end) [Work]
sum(case when cw.State = 'OUT' then 1 else null end) [Out]
sum(case when cw.State = 'POST' then 1 else null end) [Post]
from CurrentWork cw
select tt.Event, tt.[Amount]
from t cross apply
( values ([Work], [Amount]), ([Out], [Amount]), ([Post], [Amount])
) tt(Event, [Amount]);