I need to know what layer I am clicking in an openlayers map to grab some data of it later.
I've made it before but only using one layer. Now I have more than one and I would like to know what layer I'm clicking to grab its information from geoserver.
getDatosCapaWMS(url:string): Observable<any>{
return this.http.get(url);
var url = this.capa1WMS.getSource().getGetFeatureInfoUrl(
this.map.getEventCoordinate(event), this.view.getResolution(), this.view.getProjection(),
{'INFO_FORMAT': 'application/json'});
this.getDatosCapaWMS(url).subscribe(data => {
And my HTML code
<div id="map" class="map" (click)="clickMapa($event)"></div>
I have seen that openlayers has a method called forEachFeatureAtPixel()
but I haven't made it work
Ok, Mike gave the solution
to get the layers to use for .getSource().getGetFeatureInfoUrl()