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Is there any way of retrieving a list of poll voters from Instagram stories?

I know there is an endpoint here for retrieving a list of story id's, but I was wondering if it was possible to get a list of the users who voted on a specific story poll?

There seems to be very little data on stories (even when you export personal account data) and it would be great if this was accessible via the API.

Also I don't want to make my account a Business Account.

Answers don't have to be limited to using the API, I have manually screen shotted the list and joined the screenshots together and used text recognition to get the handles, so any fancy solution that is faster than data entry is welcomed.

Thank you in advanced!


  • Yes, but not using the Instagram Platform API (via but rather the new Instagram Graph API

    Your account must also be a business account or else you won't have access to the end point.

    The endpoint is: /user/stories and can be found in the following documentation

    I hope this helps someone, I wasn't able to find a good answer so here's to knowledge-filling.