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How to build .net core application for debian:jessie

I have created a sample application using .net core. I need to build the application for debian:jessie os. I have following commands

dotnet restore MySampleApp.sln -r -debian:jessie-x64

dotnet build MySampleApp.csproj --verbosity q -c Release -r -debian:jessie-x64

But it shows error message like this

error : NETSDK1056: Project is targeting runtime '-debian:jessie-x64' but did not resolve any runtime-specific packages. This runtime may not be supported by the target framework.

But I can run the same application using alpine Linux without any error

dotnet restore MySampleApp.sln -r alpine.3.7-x64

dotnet build MySampleApp.csproj --verbosity q -c Release -r alpine.3.7-x64


  • The team has provided a complete list for Runtime IDentifiers on GitHub.

    Indeed, there's a RID of alpine.3.7-x64 defined in line30. But as you can see between the line129 and Line233, there's no such a RID whose name is debian:jessie-x64.

    You need to use debian.8-x64 instead.