Search code examples

How to make pivot table using hql?

Input: field

id  title view
id1  我    12
id1  好    23
id2  你    13
id3  你    20
id4  他    11


id    我   好   你   他
id1   12  23   NaN  NaN
id2   NaN NaN  13   NaN
id3   NaN NaN  20   NaN
id4   NaN NaN  NaN  11

I know how to use python to get this result. But I have no idea how to get this using hive-sql.


  • use conditional aggregation with case when expression

     max(case when title='我' then view end) as '我',
     max(case when title='好' then view end) as '好',
     max(case when title='你' then view end) as '你',
     max(case when title='他' then view end) as '他'
    from tablename
    group by id