Given the following variable:
$test = {
'1' => 'A',
'2' => 'B',
'3' => 'C',
'4' => 'G',
'5' => 'K',
How can loop through all assignments without knowing which keys I have?
I would like to fill a select box with the results as label and the keys as hidden values.
Just do a foreach loop on the keys:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $test = {
'1' => 'A',
'2' => 'B',
'3' => 'C',
'4' => 'G',
'5' => 'K',
foreach my $key(keys %$test) {
print "key=$key : value=$test->{$key}\n";
key=4 : value=G
key=1 : value=A
key=3 : value=C
key=2 : value=B
key=5 : value=K