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Splunk: Calculate TopN hosts but add to that TopN based on a key=value pair

Is there a way to get a Top Hosts count and add to each hosts count using a value from a k/v pair in the event itself?


<158>Mar 26 15:01:36 m500 admd SSO: write 35 bytes on fd(11) OK repeatCount=300 source =    tcp:514 sourcetype =    generic_single_line

So this would come up as 300 in the count of events for that host.

I'm new to Splunk so not very familiar with the query language. I tried

| metasearch index=* | eval Date=strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d") | chart count over host by Date

But I don't know how to add the count from that k/v


  • I found a splunk board like stackoverflow and posted there. For the sake of completeness, I'll post the solution here:

    Give this a try (I would strongly suggest to replace index=* with some specific index/sourcetype/source query)

    index=* | eval Date=strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d") | stats count sum(repeatCount) as repeatCount by host Date | eval total=count + repeatCount | chart max(total) over host by date