When resuming a parallel
command with --resume
, is the command allowed to change? In the docs on --resume
, it states that
It it important that the input of the completed jobs is unchanged
but it doesn't mention if the command itself can change as long as the input doesn't change.
For example, if you start the command
parallel --gnu -j8 --joblog log.txt ls ::: <inputs>
and terminate it in the middle with Ctrl-C, can you resume with
parallel --gnu -j8 --joblog log.txt --resume ls -l ::: <inputs>
My use case is that my command is an exe that can take a long time for some inputs and I forgot to specify a flag on the exe to set the timeout. I would like to restart with a timeout set on the exe.
The key part is:
As GNU parallel only looks at the sequence numbers
So you can basically change everything, but GNU Parallel will skip the jobs with the sequence numbers in the joblog.