I am trying to use read_line_to_codes(Stream,Result)
and atom_codes(String,Result)
. These two predicates first, read line from file as an array of char codes, and then convert this array back to string. Then I would like to input all those strings to an array of Strings.
I tried the recursive approach but have trouble with how to actually instantiate the array to empty in the beginning, and what would be the terminating condition of process_the_stream/2
/*The code which doesn't work.. but the idea is obvious.*/
I expect a recursive approach to get array of lines as strings.
Follows a Logtalk-based portable solution that you can use as-is with most Prolog compilers, including GNU Prolog, or adapt to your own code:
---- processor.lgt ----
:- object(processor).
:- public(read_file_to_lines/2).
:- uses(reader, [line_to_codes/2]).
read_file_to_lines(File, Lines) :-
open(File, read, Stream),
line_to_codes(Stream, Codes),
read_file_to_lines(Codes, Stream, Lines).
read_file_to_lines(end_of_file, Stream, []) :-
read_file_to_lines(Codes, Stream, [Line| Lines]) :-
atom_codes(Line, Codes),
line_to_codes(Stream, NextCodes),
read_file_to_lines(NextCodes, Stream, Lines).
:- end_object.
Sample file for testing:
------ file.txt -------
abc def ghi
jlk mno pqr
Simple test:
$ gplgt
| ?- {library(reader_loader), processor}.
| ?- processor::read_file_to_lines('file.txt', Lines).
Lines = ['abc def ghi','jlk mno pqr']