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Select OK button from N'th modal opened in testcafe

I open two modals in my testing, and I want to be able to click on the "OK" button in the second modal (the second selected element in the below html).

My current code is :

import { waitForReact } from 'testcafe-react-selectors';
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';

fixture `App tests`
    .beforeEach(async () => {
        await waitForReact();

test('Can open and accept all pop ups', async t => {

    //open first modal
    await t

    //select OK button from first modal
    const modalOKButton = Selector('div.ant-modal')

    //click OK button from first modal
    await t
        .expect(modalOKButton.with({visibilityCheck: true}).exists)
        .ok({timeout: 30000})

    //open second modal
    await t

    //select OK button from second modal
    const secondModalOKButton = Selector(??);

The html I'm working with is the following. I'm trying to select the second OK button:

enter image description here


  • did you try using nth ?

    const modalOKButton = Selector('div.ant-modal').nth(1)

    or maybe try using selector by aria-labelledby

    const modalOKButton = Selector("[aria-labelledby='rcDialogTitle1']")