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LiveData is observed multiple times inside onClickListener in Android

I have a repository setup like this

class ServerTimeRepo @Inject constructor(private val retrofit: Retrofit){
    var liveDataTime = MutableLiveData<TimeResponse>()
    fun getServerTime(): LiveData<TimeResponse> {
        val serverTimeService:ServerTimeService = retrofit.create(
        val obs = serverTimeService.getServerTime()
                .subscribe(object : Observer<Response<TimeResponse>> {
                    override fun onComplete() {


                    override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) {


                    override fun onNext(t: Response<TimeResponse>) {
                        val gson = Gson()
                        val json: String?
                        val code = t.code()
                        val cs = code.toString()
                        if (!cs.equals("200")) {
                            json = t.errorBody()!!.string()
                            val userError = gson.fromJson(json,
                        } else {

                            liveDataTime.value = t.body()


                    override fun onError(e: Throwable) {


        return liveDataTime

Then I have a viewmodel calling this repo like this

class ServerTimeViewModel @Inject constructor(private val serverTimeRepo: ServerTimeRepo):ViewModel() {

    fun getServerTime(): LiveData<TimeResponse> {
        return serverTimeRepo.getServerTime()

Then I have an activity where I have an onClickListener where I am observing the livedata, like this

tvPWStart.setOnClickListener {
         val stlv=  serverTimeViewModel.getServerTime()

            stlv.observe(this@HomeScreenActivity, Observer {
                //this is getting called multiple times??


I don't know what's wrong in this. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.


  • Issue is that every time your ClickListener gets fired, you observe LiveData again and again. So, you can solve that problem by following solution :

    1. Take a MutableLiveData object inside your ViewModel privately & Observe it as LiveData.

      class ServerTimeViewModel @Inject constructor(private val serverTimeRepo: ServerTimeRepo):ViewModel() {
          private val serverTimeData = MutableLiveData<TimeResponse>() // We make private variable so that UI/View can't modify directly
          fun getServerTime() {
              serverTimeData.value = serverTimeRepo.getServerTime().value // Rather than returning LiveData, we set value to our local MutableLiveData
          fun observeServerTime(): LiveData<TimeResponse> {
              return serverTimeData //Here we expose our MutableLiveData as LiveData to avoid modification from UI/View
    2. Now, we observe this LiveData directly outside of ClickListener and we just call API method from button click like below :

      //Assuming that this code is inside onCreate() of your Activity/Fragment
      //first we observe our LiveData
      serverTimeViewModel.observeServerTime().observe(this@HomeScreenActivity, Observer {
              //In such case, we won't observe multiple LiveData but one
      //Then during our ClickListener, we just do API method call without any callback.
      tvPWStart.setOnClickListener {