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How to run a predicate that contains lists as argument using GNU Prolog for Java?

I tried to use the library gnu prolog for java to execute a prolog file. I managed to make it work for a basic predicate, but when I try to parse lists the output of prolog engine, it does not work correctly.

My java code is as follows:

    gnu.prolog.vm.Environment environment = new Environment();

    gnu.prolog.vm.Interpreter interp = environment.createInterpreter();

    Term[] listElements = { new IntegerTerm(1), new IntegerTerm(2)};
    Term termElements = new CompoundTerm(TermConstants.listTag, listElements);
    Term[] listElements2 =  { new IntegerTerm(1), new IntegerTerm(2)};
    Term termElements2 = new CompoundTerm(TermConstants.listTag, listElements2);
    Term[]argumentsQuestion = {termElements,termElements2};

    CompoundTerm goalTerm = new CompoundTerm(AtomTerm.get("same"), argumentsQuestion);

    int rc;
    Interpreter.Goal goal = interp.prepareGoal(goalTerm);
     rc = interp.execute(goal); 
     System.out.println("rc value"+rc); 
        if (rc == PrologCode.SUCCESS || rc == PrologCode.SUCCESS_LAST)
        { System.out.println("OK"); }else{
      System.out.println("error"); }

My file contains the following predicate:

same([H1|R1], [H2|R2]):- H1 is H2 , same (R1,R2).
same([], []) :- true.

The problem is the value of rc is always -1. I tried to modify the file as follows:

same([H1|R1], [H2|R2]):- H1 is H2.
same([], []) :- true.

The program works correctly in this case, so the program parses correctly the list and reads correctly the first value of the list.


  • The standard is/2 predicate performs arithmetic evaluation by evaluating the second argument as an arithmetic expression and unifying the result with the first argument.

    Try instead:

    same([H| R1], [H| R2]):- same(R1,R2).
    same([], []).

    But note this accomplishes the same as the following much simpler definition:

    same(List, List).


    List1 = List2

    Maybe you want/need to use term equality instead of term unification as in the solutions above? If that's the case, try:

    same([H1| R1], [H1| R2]):- H1 == H2, same(R1,R2).
    same([], []).