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Apex Sql Complete Locks Up SSMS

I recently installed the latest version of Apex Complete on SSMS 2016. When I installed it, ssms would not start. It would open the window and get to the point where you normally be greeted with the prompt to connect to a db server, but would not open that prompt and not respond. Also the memory usage went up close to 1GB for SSMS. I then uninstalled the Apex Complete application and everything is working as it should.

I do have RedGate Sql Source control installed in SSMS, and I am curious if that could be the issue. Has anyone else ran into this issue? As I hadn't even connected to the db server, it shouldn't have any work to do at that point as far as parsing databases, so I'm not sure what the issue may be.


  • From a Support Engineer at Apex Sql:

    I’d suggest that you perform a few steps to install a clean copy (remove leftovers) of ApexSQL Complete as it might solve the issue. Before you start, all running instances of SSMS and VS must be closed:

    1. Uninstall ApexSQL Complete from Program and Features in Control Panel
    2. Go to this location: %SystemDrive%\Program Files\ApexSQL and, if exists, delete the ApexSQL Complete folder
    3. Go to this location: %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\ApexSQL and delete the ApexSQL Complete and ApexSQLAddinsLogs folders

    After the 3rd step, download and install ApexSQL Complete from this link.

    With this, my system is now working, but I do have a battle between the ssms code completion and the Apex, which I never had to deal with using the RedGate tools.