I would like to conditionally determine whether I have a default value in a string or not (the zeros in my 3rd value in my mapping string below).
I have the following string:
The above represents SourceColumn|TargetColumn|DefaultValue separated by a semicolon. Thus, I have two delimiters in my string--a pipe and a semicolon.
I am separating my source, target, and default columns and it's working well in my code below:
DECLARE @Mapping NVARCHAR(max) = 'PriceSrc|PriceTrg|0;CurrencySrc|CurrencyTrg|0;ProductSrc|ProductTrg|0'
DECLARE @SourceTableColumns VARCHAR(256)
DECLARE @TargetTableColumns VARCHAR(256)
DECLARE @DefaultTableColumn VARCHAR(256)
SELECT @SourceTableColumns = isnull(@SourceTableColumns + ',', '') + SourceTableColumn
,@TargetTableColumns = isnull(@TargetTableColumns + ',', '') + TargetTableColumn
,@DefaultTableColumn = isnull(@DefaultTableColumn + ',', '') + DefaultTableColumn
SELECT parsename(replace(value, '|', '.'), 3) AS SourceTableColumn
,parsename(replace(value, '|', '.'), 2) AS TargetTableColumn
,parsename(replace(value, '|', '.'), 1) AS DefaultTableColumn
FROM String_split(@Mapping,';')
) a
WHERE value <> ' '
) a
print 'Mapping: ' + @Mapping
print 'Source: ' + @SourceTableColumns
print 'Target: ' + @TargetTableColumns
print 'Default: ' + @DefaultTableColumn
Here are my results when my 3rd value for defaults is always populated (the zeros in my 3rd value in my mapping string):
Source: PriceSrc,CurrencySrc,ProductSrc
Target: PriceTrg,CurrencyTrg,ProductTrg
Default: 0,0,0
However, when I even have one missing default value, such as below (note that I've excluded one of the zeros at the end of my string)...
My entire logic breaks down and it blanks out all of my variables. It gives me the below result (only my mapping):
Mapping: PriceSrc|PriceTrg|0;CurrencySrc|CurrencyTrg|0;ProductSrc|ProductTrg|
Please note that the function of the default value 3rd parameter is to serve as an override value for users to enter any string or numeric value if they choose to. I do not want to always force a value in my default if it's NULL as it's not always required.
How do I make my default value (i.e., DefaultTableColumn) in my mapping string conditional? As mentioned, I may not always have a default value, but I still would like to keep my @SourceTableColumns and @TargetTableColumns variables intact.
Modified logic as proposed by Zohar Peled:
SELECT @SourceTableColumns = isnull(@SourceTableColumns + ',', '') + SourceTableColumn
,@TargetTableColumns = isnull(@TargetTableColumns + ',', '') + TargetTableColumn
,@DefaultTableColumn = isnull(@DefaultTableColumn + ',', '') + DefaultTableColumn
JSON_VALUE(JsonMapping, '$.V[0]') As SourceTableColumn,
JSON_VALUE(JsonMapping, '$.V[1]') As TargetTableColumn,
NULLIF(JSON_VALUE(JsonMapping, '$.V[2]'), '') As DefaultTableColumn
FROM String_split(@Mapping, ';')
SELECT '{"V":["' + REPLACE([value], '|', '", "') +'"]}' As JsonMapping
) JsonData
) a
print 'Mapping: ' + @Mapping
print 'Source: ' + @SourceTableColumns
print 'Target: ' + @TargetTableColumns
print 'Default: ' + @DefaultTableColumn
Here's what I am getting as results:
Mapping: PriceSrc|PriceTrg|0;CurrencySrc|CurrencyTrg|0;ProductSrc|ProductTrg|
Source: PriceSrc,CurrencySrc,ProductSrc
Target: PriceTrg,CurrencyTrg,ProductTrg
I am not getting correct results as I am getting all NULLs for my DefaultTableColumn.
The expected value for @DefaultTableColumn would be 0,0,
Regards, Shawn
First, since 2016 version, SQL Server has a built in string_split
function which out-performs any user-defined function.
Second, I would probably use replace
to generate a json array from the string,
and then json_value
to get the values:
DECLARE @Mapping NVARCHAR(max) = 'PriceSrc|PriceTrg|0;CurrencySrc|CurrencyTrg|0;ProductSrc|ProductTrg|'
SELECT JSON_VALUE(JsonMapping, '$.V[0]') As SourceColumn,
JSON_VALUE(JsonMapping, '$.V[1]') As TargetColumn,
-- json_value returns an empty string if no value found, nullif converts it to a null
NULLIF(JSON_VALUE(JsonMapping, '$.V[2]'), '') As DefaultValue
FROM string_split(@Mapping, ';')
SELECT '{"V":["' + REPLACE([value], '|', '", "') +'"]}' As JsonMapping
) As JsonData
Results: (Note that the last default value is missing)
SourceColumn TargetColumn DefaultValue
PriceSrc PriceTrg 0
CurrencySrc CurrencyTrg 0
ProductSrc ProductTrg NULL
To get the results into variables you can use another built in function (since 2017 version) called string_agg
DECLARE @Mapping NVARCHAR(max) = 'PriceSrc|PriceTrg|0;CurrencySrc|CurrencyTrg|0;ProductSrc|ProductTrg|',
@SourceTableColumns NVARCHAR(max),
@TargetTableColumns NVARCHAR(max),
@DefaultTableColumn NVARCHAR(max)
SELECT @SourceTableColumns = STRING_AGG(JSON_VALUE(JsonMapping, '$.V[0]'), ',')
,@TargetTableColumns = STRING_AGG(JSON_VALUE(JsonMapping, '$.V[1]'), ',')
,@DefaultTableColumn = STRING_AGG(NULLIF(JSON_VALUE(JsonMapping, '$.V[2]'), ''), ',')
FROM String_split(@Mapping, ';')
SELECT '{"V":["' + REPLACE([value], '|', '", "') +'"]}' As JsonMapping
) As JsonData
print 'Mapping: ' + @Mapping
print 'Source: ' + @SourceTableColumns
print 'Target: ' + @TargetTableColumns
print 'Default: ' + @DefaultTableColumn
You can see a live demo on db<>fiddle