I'm using mongo-go-driver and trying to use text search
I'm creating index like this
opts := options.CreateIndexes().SetMaxTime(10 * time.Second)
Keys: bsonx.Doc{{"title", bsonx.Int32(-1)}},
Keys: bsonx.Doc{{"info.tags", bsonx.Int32(-1)}},
...and while querying I'm doing this
collection := db.Collection("my_collection")
cur, err := collection.Find(context.Background(), bson.M{ "$text": bson.M{ "$search": query }})
I get this when I call the query
(IndexNotFound) text index required for $text query
exit status 1
You need to have a text
index on atleast 1 field for the query to work.
Try creating a text index on any field and try again