I have an input file with datatime column which is filled with values of format (41183.50417), how do I interpret this and convert to Timestamp?
I tried using Lubridate but the output is with Time zone, code shown as below
as.POSIXct(as.Date(41183.50417, origin = '1900-01-01'),tz="")
The output is as shown below
2012-10-03 20:06:00 +08
How do I get rid of this '+08', Though I have given tz="", it keeps getting displayed
I have come across Unix Timestamp/epoch etc but this format (41183.50417) isn't clear to me.
I expect the output of 41183.50417 to be 21/02/1999 10:21:20
If you want to get rid of timezone display we can use format
format(as.POSIXct(as.Date(41183.50417, origin = '1900-01-01')), "%Y-%m-%d %T")
#[1] "2012-10-03 20:06:00"
Read ?strptime
for more format details.