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In iOS, How to create audio file(.wav, .mp3) file from data?

I am working on BLE project where hardware records the audio data & sending to the iOS application. I writting a logic to convert mp3/wav file from data.

Here, I written mp3 file conversion logic from Data like below:

func storeMusicFile(data: Data) {
     let fileName = "Record-1"
     guard mediaDirectoryURL != nil else {
           print("Error: Failed to fetch mediaDirectoryURL")

     let filePath = mediaDirectoryURL!.appendingPathComponent("/\(fileName).mp3")
     do {
        try data.write(to: filePath, options: .atomic)
     } catch {
        print("Failed while storing files.")

But while playing an audio file in AVAudioPlayer, I am getting "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 1954115647.)" error.

So, Confused whether audio file conversion logic is wrong or data from hardware is still needs to decode?


  • To create a audio file(.mp3/.wav), you have to dynamically calculate header file data & need to append that header with actual transfer audio data from the hardware.

    Reference: WAVE PCM soundfile format

    Here, below I added Swift 4 code snippet for reference

    //MARK: Logic for Creating Audio file
    class ARFileManager {
          static let shared = ARFileManager()
          let fileManager = FileManager.default
          var documentDirectoryURL: URL? {
              return fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first
          func createWavFile(using rawData: Data) throws -> URL {
               //Prepare Wav file header
               let waveHeaderFormate = createWaveHeader(data: rawData) as Data
               //Prepare Final Wav File Data
               let waveFileData = waveHeaderFormate + rawData
               //Store Wav file in document directory.
               return try storeMusicFile(data: waveFileData)
           private func createWaveHeader(data: Data) -> NSData {
                let sampleRate:Int32 = 2000
                let chunkSize:Int32 = 36 + Int32(data.count)
                let subChunkSize:Int32 = 16
                let format:Int16 = 1
                let channels:Int16 = 1
                let bitsPerSample:Int16 = 8
                let byteRate:Int32 = sampleRate * Int32(channels * bitsPerSample / 8)
                let blockAlign: Int16 = channels * bitsPerSample / 8
                let dataSize:Int32 = Int32(data.count)
                let header = NSMutableData()
                header.append([UInt8]("RIFF".utf8), length: 4)
                header.append(intToByteArray(chunkSize), length: 4)
                header.append([UInt8]("WAVE".utf8), length: 4)
                header.append([UInt8]("fmt ".utf8), length: 4)
                header.append(intToByteArray(subChunkSize), length: 4)
                header.append(shortToByteArray(format), length: 2)
                header.append(shortToByteArray(channels), length: 2)
                header.append(intToByteArray(sampleRate), length: 4)
                header.append(intToByteArray(byteRate), length: 4)
                header.append(shortToByteArray(blockAlign), length: 2)
                header.append(shortToByteArray(bitsPerSample), length: 2)
                header.append([UInt8]("data".utf8), length: 4)
                header.append(intToByteArray(dataSize), length: 4)
                return header
          private func intToByteArray(_ i: Int32) -> [UInt8] {
                return [
                  //little endian
                  UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: (i      ) & 0xff),
                  UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: (i >>  8) & 0xff),
                  UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: (i >> 16) & 0xff),
                  UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: (i >> 24) & 0xff)
           private func shortToByteArray(_ i: Int16) -> [UInt8] {
                  return [
                      //little endian
                      UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: (i      ) & 0xff),
                      UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: (i >>  8) & 0xff)
           func storeMusicFile(data: Data) throws -> URL {
                 let fileName = "Record \(Date().dateFileName)"
                 guard mediaDirectoryURL != nil else {
                    debugPrint("Error: Failed to fetch mediaDirectoryURL")
                    throw ARError(localizedDescription:             AlertMessage.medioDirectoryPathNotAvaiable)
                 let filePath = mediaDirectoryURL!.appendingPathComponent("\(fileName).wav")
                  debugPrint("File Path: \(filePath.path)")
                  try data.write(to: filePath)
                 return filePath //Save file's path respected to document directory.