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How do I restrict an auto-generated route to accept only POST requests?

We have overridden Sonata's RegistrationController using Easy Extends. In our generated appDevProjectContainerUrlMatcher class, we now have the following lines:

        if ($pathinfo === '/password/reset') {
            return array (  '_controller' => 'Application\\Sonata\\UserBundle\\Controller\\RegistrationController::passwordResetAction',  '_route' => 'fos_user_password_reset',);

I am able to open my customized RegistrationController class and see the following:

 * @return RedirectResponse
public function passwordResetAction()

Now the question: I want to make this action only accept POST requests. How do I do that if there is no route annotation already present? (I can't find anywhere where this route is being explicitly defined, excluding the auto-generated class mentioned above.)


Edit: This is in a Symfony 2.7 application.


  • you can verify if it's a Post request like :

    if ($request->isMethod('post')) { //    Uppercase request method:POST
        // your code

    the symfony 2.7 doc said

    getMethod() Gets the request "intended" method.

    may be you can try this also :
