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NAT Instance maintenance

I have a Django app deployed on AWS Lambda through Zappa and my app needs to communicate with the public internet, so I need to use a NAT Instance. I am using a NAT instance because it's about 10x cheaper than a NAT Gateway using the free tier. The downside is that unlike NAT Gateway, a NAT Instance needs actual maintenance, and I am unsure what type of maintenance it needs. I want to learn about things I need to do to keep my server running well and healthy.

What are things I can do to make sure of that?

Here is my AWS Architecture:

All of the following is in my VPC. I have 1 subnet in ca-central-1a and 1 in ca-central-1b. In the route table, both subnets point to my NAT Instance. I have a 3rd subnet in ca-central-1b and in the route table it points to an internet gateway. My NAT Instance is in ca-central-1b.

My NAT Instance security group NATSG has HTTP and HTTPS inbounds from both of my subnets in ca-central-1a and ca-central-1b and outbound to Should I make another NAT Instance in ca-central-1a and make it only inbound from the subnet in ca-central-1a i.e 1 NAT Instance for each subnet? Would that be healthier/safer?

Extra information:

I disabled Source/dest check. Was that a good idea?

For my AMI I chose a recent community AMI amzn-ami-vpc-nat and I created an Auto Scale Group which has my NAT instance. It only has 1 instance, is there any point of the Auto Scale Group if there's only 1 instance in it? I am not sure that I am using the Auto Scale Group right, I simply created it but haven't configured anything.


    • Maintenance for NAT instances is necessary for security updates, security groups and instance failures.

    • It's not necessary to place NAT instance in every subnet. You can connect multiple instance through single NAT instance. Also it is recommended to place NAT instance in public subnet.

    • source/destination check is enabled by default for each EC2 instance which shows that instance must be the source or destination of traffic which it send or receive. So source/destination check must be disabled for NAT instance as NAT instance is not source or destination to send or receive the traffic. It just act as intermediate to send traffic to the private instances.
      Below link gives the detailed description of Disabling Source/Destination Checks

    • Setting up desired capacity to 1 will always keep your 1 NAT instance up. But concern is when a NAT instance gets terminated, auto-scaling group will launch the respective NAT instance which has Source/destination 'enable' by default. We have to make it disable manually, Also the entries which where made in route table by selecting target as nat-instance-id will not get change and Route Table will be pointing at the instance that was terminated. To get SourceDestCheck attribute disabled for newly launch NAT instance you could launch this from the User Data of the instance.
      Here is an example shell script.
    EC2_INSTANCE_ID=`wget -q -O -`
    EC2_AVAIL_ZONE=`wget -q -O -`
    EC2_REGION=`echo \$EC2_AVAIL_ZONE\ | sed -r 's/.{2}$//'`
    echo "Region:" $EC2_REGION
    aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --instance-id $EC2_INSTANCE_ID --source-dest-check "{\"Value\": false}" --region $EC2_REGION
    rc=$?; if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then echo "Failure:" $rc; exit $rc; fi
    echo "Success"