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Xwiki - Error with Apostrophe in Space Title or Page Title

I have installed a fresh install of XWiki on a Windows platform.

The XWiki instance was installed using hsql for data storage.

The XWiki instance is hosted on Apache Tomcat.

Some of my users entered an apostrophe into the title of a page as well as the page content.

I received the following error:

What is my next step to fix my broken XWiki instance? Is there a way to upgrade a XWiki instance to a version that works? How do I save my existing content? From reviewing the developers comments, it appears that issue has been corrected.

I, however, do not have enough background in Java or XWiki to know how I can move forward.

Thank you in advance for your help.


  • Indeed, the best solution is to upgrade to a newer version. Don't worry, upgrades are not that difficult.

    There are two parts in an upgrade: the platform, meaning all the files on the filesystem, and the wiki content, since quite often things change in the default wiki documents. Your specific bug can be fixed by upgrading the platform part, so if you're not too confident about upgrading the wiki content, you can just leave the old content in place.

    In order not to lose your current database, be sure to leave the old "database" folder in place, and just replace the "webapps\xwiki" part.